7 Tips to Help Your Habits Stick

Hello, hello! It is the Dog Days of Summer here in the United States. The days are long and we’re outside a lot. We’re going to the beach, having picnics, playing at the park, or, if you’re like me, you reserve some time every day to sit in your rocking chair on the porch. I love the summer. We can play outside, go swimming, and feel free and adventurous! So how can we have a playful yet persistent attitude about habits so they stick like glue? This is your lucky day! I have seven tips for you:

  1. Start small with an achievable habit that you can consistently repeat. Consistency is critical if you want to turn an idea into a habit. Maybe it’s a 15 minute walk after dinner on a beautiful summer evening.

  2. Make it easy for yourself and create an environment that sets you up for success. For example, if you want to eat healthier, stock your pantry with nutritious options and remove tempting junk food. Or, if you want to drink more water, make your water or your water bottle accessible - ready to grab and go.

  3. Reward yourself for sticking to your habit. Celebrate your small wins. Every win is important and celebration is a positive reinforcement. You can give yourself a gold star or a sticker of your choice to make it fun and colorful. You might do a little happy dance or take a moment to acknowledge that you accomplished something today.

  4. When and if you are faced with obstacles to your progress, take a moment and give yourself grace and then prepare a plan to get right back on track. Your positive mindset, persistence, and problem solving will drive your progress forward.

  5. Make it fun. If you dread doing it, it will be harder to stick to. “If it ain’t fun, it ain’t gonna get done.” Incorporate elements you enjoy, such as listening to music or a podcast to your new habit. Or buy some cute workout clothes or use a fun, colorful water bottle.

  6. Use a Habit Tracking Worksheet like the one in the FREE Habit Quickstart Guide. Make it visible - on your fridge or your bathroom mirror. And then mark it off - either with a checkmark or some kind of reward sticker. Let it be a daily reminder of your progress.

  7. Find an Accountability Partner. Ask for help from a coach or a friend to support and encourage you to increase your chances of sticking to your habits.

Are you ready to talk about some one on one coaching? Send me an email to schedule a Reality Check! We can find out if it is a good fit for you so you can:

  • move forward with your goals and your life

  • make changes with encouraging support

  • dream big and get out of your comfort zone

Let's Connect! Send an email to betsy@betsyseybolt.com


Celebrate Your Wins