Betsy Seybolt, Mindset and Motivational Coach

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Flip the Script to Positive

If you’re like me, navigating being over-50 can sometimes feel like an emotional rollercoaster. Isn’t it easy to get negative fast? It’s not just you. I’ve been there.

What made all the difference for me was aligning my thoughts with my core values - those principles that mean the most to me. I realized my negative thoughts were not what I truly valued.

And speaking of game-changers, have you tried writing your own Personal Vision Statement? It’s all about the person you want to become in your next chapter. 

Here’s what became my go-to strategy: positive self-talk. If your friend told you the same negative thought you have about yourself, what would you tell her? That’s what you need to tell yourself.  Talk to yourself the way you talk to your friends.  Go easy on yourself.  It's about flipping the script.  Be kind to yourself.  

I’ve got news for you though: it’s not just one-and-done. It takes practice. But each negative thought you catch and flip is a win. It’s like building a mental muscle. The more you flex it, the stronger your positivity becomes.

Take a look at how you spend your free time.  Whether it’s your social media, emails, or the shows you binge. It’s time for a little detox. Unfollow, unsubscribe, and switch channels if it doesn’t boost your mood. Trust me, decluttering your digital space works wonders!

Transforming your mindset isn’t about grand gestures; it’s those tiny, everyday shifts. It’s realizing you have the power to choose your thoughts, align them with what truly matters, and do what brings you joy.