How to Overcome Obstacles

When you’re working toward a goal, or when you’re beginning a new habit, it’s difficult to get past your obstacles. 

Let's see how we can make it easier to 1) start something new and 2) keep going when the going gets tough.

Not enough time. We all think we don’t have enough time.  But is that true?  Make yourself a priority and make sure you accomplish at least your top 3 priorities each day.  That is very important. You can ensure success if you start your day with a morning routine and accomplish your top priorities.  Do what matters most before you scroll through social media, your email, your texts, and anything else that can wait about 20 or 30 minutes.  When it comes to goals or habits, all it takes is daily, consistent effort to see a difference.

Maybe you're saying "Why bother? I've already tried everything." Just do the work. If you are finding it difficult to start, make sure that you are starting small.  Create a SMART goal (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Bound).  Make sure it fills all of those criteria. A deadline is crucial. Celebrate all of your wins along the way, especially the small ones.  Do a happy dance. Or track your progress. You can download The Habit Quickstart Guide which includes a printable form - The Habit Tracker Worksheet. Post it somewhere visible like your refrigerator. Celebrate your progress just by checking off that you kept to your habits or worked toward your goal. You will become more confident when you celebrate your wins and work consistently. Small steps can make a big change in your life.

Similarly, when life gets in the way - a family member gets sick, you have a big project at work, or you become sick or stuck, be ready with a plan to get back in the game. Give yourself grace, especially for obstacles that are out of your control, then get back on track. Your mindset, persistence, and problem solving will ensure that you move forward. 

You don’t see immediate results.  Remember: change takes time. The experts differ in how long it takes for habits take to stick - from 21 days to 166 days. Manage your expectations and keep your end goal in mind.  Try to remember how long you have been avoiding the work. It takes a proportionate amount of time to see results. Let’s say you have been busy taking care of your family and you have gained weight over time, maybe it was 3 years, maybe it was 10 years. Give yourself 6 months to one year to see big results.

Always stressed and rushing out the door.  Start getting ready for tomorrow today to make your mornings easier.  And many experts believe that if you want to change your life, getting up earlier in the morning is one of the best ways to get a head start on the day.  I used to do the absolute minimum in the morning before I left for work and my career didn’t change for about 20 years.  Now I prepare at night: I get the coffee ready to brew, I put out my outfit, and I put what needs to go out in the morning, right next to the door.  Then I get up before my family, so I can drink my coffee and water and complete my morning routine without distractions. And in the 18 months since I have had my morning routine, I went back to school and became a certified coach, changed careers, became an entrepreneur, and started my own business. Kind of makes me wonder what the next 18 months will bring…

I hope you have found this helpful. This is your only life. You can start today. Stop complaining and start doing something about it. You may not want to do the work, but do you want things to stay the same? I didn’t think so.

I will have some availability for coaching in November. Let me know when you are ready to make that change so I can cheer you on!


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